Monthly Archives: November 2014

First Trailer for “Star Wars VII: The Force Awakens” Now Available

Disney has released a sneak peak at the new Star Wars movie set to come out next year. Let’s be honest, folks: this is obviously just a rough cut. People are already mocking the video online but a lot of Star Wars fans are really pumped after having watched this. It looks like they will include a lot of memes from the old movies and some of the online games. The movie IS the product placement!

Marvel UK Releases buzz clips for ‘Guardians of the Galaxy’

If you have not yet bought your copy of Guardians of the Galaxy (which was released on November 24) you can browse some clips of what you are missing at the SF Fandom Disney/Pixar Movie Forum. Cool videos include what the dance off really should have looked like (way to go Lee Pace!) and a look at how Bradley Cooper brought Rocket to life. You can join the forums for free but all new members are moderated (you have to wait to be approved). Only registered members can post comments but anyone can watch the videos. BTW – they have a GALAXY LOAD of free online Scifi and Fantasy movies that you can watch there.

New Tolkien Fan Film Explores The Imagination

Fans of J.R.R. Tolkien, hobbits, and elves everywhere are going to love this free scifi movie. It is a fantasy film biography that shows you the world Tolkien imagined from his point of view. This is an incredible work of art in its own right, made on a shoestring budget (as most independent films are). Congratulations to Nye Green and crew on a job done well!

Read a review on Tolkien Studies on the Web.

Legend of the Seeker Fans Pressing Sam Raimi for a Movie

The story of why Legend of the Seeker was cancelled is too long to share here, but the short version is that it wasn’t due to bad ratings. The fans of the TV show have spent the last 4-1/2 years proving their loyalty to film industry insiders, hoping a network or studio will pick up the project. In February star Craig Horner told his fans to ask Sam Raimi to make a movie. And that is just what they are doing. They have a letter writing contest that runs through November 9 where fans can win prizes for writing letters to Sam Raimi. Raimi is one of the most successful fantasy film-makers of all time. He should be able to do this.

This past week the Seeker fans orchestrated a widescale All Seekers’ Eve campaign that culminated on Halloween with a lot of Tweets. I hear that stars Craig Horner, Bridget Regan, and Tabrett Bethell logged on to see the Tweets in action. Here is a fan trailer for the long hoped-for third season that never happened. Good luck, Seeker fans!

The Hunger Games: Final Trailer for Mockingjay, Part 1

Here is the final trailer for The Hunger Games: Mockingjay, Part 1. This provides a better insight into what viewers can expect to see in the movie, which is almost certain to end with a cliffhanger (no guesses here on what the cliffhanger will be). It’s just a shame that Philip Seymour Hoffman died a week before he had finished his last scenes. I am hopeful that his performance in these films will not be diminished by the missed footage. He was a truly marvelous actor whose story should end on a positive, upbeat note if end it must. The Hunger Games stars Jennifer Lawrence, Josh Hutcherson, Philip Seymour Hoffman, Liam Hemsworth, Woody Harrelson, Elizabeth Banks, and Donald Sutherland (among a star-studded cast too large to name everyone here). Looking forward to this!

Avengers: Age of Ultron Extended Look

Here is the slightly more than 2-minutes’ long extended look at Avengers: Age of Ultron that was broadcast with Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. earlier this week.  This film is looking like it will be totally cool.  Word on the street is that it emphasizes character development and further strengthening of the bonds between the Avengers.  My only regret is that Pepper Potts will not even have a small role in this film.  But that could always change in the pickup shots.